Forty-five minutes outside the city of Edinburgh, a community is nestled into the Scottish rolling hills. Peebles is a charming little town where Natalie & Keith’s family reside from. The wedding at Cringletie Castle in Peebles was a day to remember. I just have emotions for this day. It was lovely as heck.
Katherine & I first met Natalie and Keith after returning from our honeymoon, and two dear friends introduced us as we all agreed to enter a relay race that spanned around half of Lake Ontario Essentially we would be spending about 24 rotating seats in a caravan as someone was running. If you can get through that after only knowing someone for a few months, you’re likely to be friends forever.
As you scroll throughout the day, you are going to see the exact moment someone, anyone drops an absolutely hilarious quip. Or you may see the reaction to some ridiculous situation someone has gotten themselves in. Or maybe a thankful look between bestfriends-cum-brothers as they get ready. An intimate moment with Natalie helping her father, but only then you are also going to see Natalie’s reaction to her father’s absolute roasting during the reception, as much as I am sure he adores and loves her.
Seriously, I cannot tell you how epic this day was; two of our best friends got married and everyone acted like they had known you for as long as you had been alive. The Ceilidh band had everyone on the dance floor to learn some classic dance moves, and I think someone stole my camera at one point to photograph people dancing.
To end this all the very last portrait we took as the moon was emerging included my direction to hug each other tight and close your eyes. I took one photograph and stood there, pretty much silently. I think 30 seconds went by and then they opened their eyes because they thought I left. But the resulting photograph (and last photo in this blog) was completley worth just standing there staring at them.
So much love.